Prepare for an Uplifting Experience

We have come together to co-create this precious moment.

In honor of the loving connection, it is recommended that you spend a few minutes before and after a session to care for your vibrational well-being. This can be an empowering and delightful part of the journey!

Before a Session

  • Create a quiet space where you will not be distracted or disturbed.
  • Set the ambiance. For example, soften the lighting, light a candle or some incense, and create a cozy place to sit.
  • Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to slow down and settle in.
  • Relax. Open your heart and mind to the experience.
  • Through the power of intention, or through writing, express what is in your heart and what you hope to get from the session. Know that our collective purpose is that you will receive that which serves your highest evolution at this moment in time for the good of all.
  • Now, surrender all thoughts to the best of your ability, and allow any expectations to dissipate. What you need, you will receive. Keep your wits, wonder, curiosity, and sense of humor about you. And oh-yes, believe! Always Believe.

After a Session

  • If able, gift yourself a little transition time to digest and assimilate the experience.
  • Allow your intuition to inspire and gently guide you… Go for a walk in nature, enjoy a few delicious bites, or do something that feels grounding, nurturing, and joyful.

I am looking forward to this magical adventure together!

Schedule a Soulful Session