You Only Need to Breathe

You Only Need to Breathefeatured

The more I give readings, the more I realize that psychic and mediumistic information is all living energy coming from Spirit.

I was traditionally taught that psychic evidence is perceived and that mediumistic evidence is received. While this is true, it is also true that all evidence is imbued.

Loving messages from angels, your higher self, guides, and god are all ultimately from one source—one energy embodied as a presence that resonates with and within you.

Similarly, we, too, are one while simultaneously being individualized essences, formations, and projections of light.

This earthly realm is seemingly laced with duality, yet this is an illusion of sorts. I do not see portals opening or closing and veils drawing near or reseeding far. They simply exist omnipresent. All is accessible here and now, in every state of being. 

One can but need not perform any sacrament or special ritual. If done, participate for the joy of it rather than to appease a God, Spirit, or Ego.

Invite Spirit. Welcome Spirit to come close, to blend and merge in awareness, the universal language.

Relax, surrender, let go, and let be. 

You only need to breathe to access universal wisdom and the living embodiment of truth.

The timing of all understanding is a perfect revelation. All knowledge, knowing, and enlightenment can be discovered and accessed within the simplicity of the natural breath. The breath flows in and out, radiates, and pulsates as it simultaneously sustains the seen and unseen—fluid, automatic, effortless, and eternal. 

How sweet it is that all we need to do is breathe. This is also to say how lovely it is that we are invited to do less as we give and receive in perfect unison, remembering all the while, as we flow in reverence and grace, the interconnectedness, relationship, and kindredness of all life and all things. One eternal breath flows like a wave with no beginning or end: a Chi, a life force, a harmony of love.

We are made of the same stuff—just breathe.

Look to the trees, feel the love around and within you, as you. Observe what flows to, through, and from you: one wave, one harmony, one awareness, one breath.

About the author


Welcome Friends! I’m Koko, a writer, a speaker, and an artist.

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