Doorways to Wonder

Everywhere there are doorways leading to wonder!

I grew up knowing I had a destiny with horses, that one day I would work in partnership with them in some profound way. I also grew up noticing that wonder was everywhere! Together, we will discover doors that open the way to greater wonder both within you and around you.

Current Offerings:

Equine Therapy

This is for the horse who gives so much.

Horses who are in recovery, remediation, retirement, or active duty all benefit. While horses are remarkably powerful and strong, they are also highly-sensitive and thrive on gentle love and support.

I begin each session with listening to the horse. This involves hands-off communication in their language. What the horse shares with me determines the path of their healing and harmony. Sometimes this involves somethings as simple as a friend who offers Reiki, grooming, rest, freedom and foraging walks. Other times it involves remedies and adjustments such as trust rebuilding or reconnecting with their own wild horse spirit.

To set up a therapy session for a beloved horse, you can reach me at (760) 709-2343

Doorways To Wonder: The Field Experience

Meet me in the field where we rendezvous as one!

Discover both wonder and the unified bond. Together, we join with one or more wise horses in nature for relaxation, stillness, and reflection. As we step into this welcoming space, we integrate mind, body, and spirit into coalesced unity and remember our inherent oneness, who we truly are, and our reason for being here on Earth at this time.

Together, we will observe and flow with what arises from a place of being rather than doing as we ground the ethereal with the earthly.

I welcome you to join me in the field to play and adventure as we discover more horse, heart, soul, wonder, creativity, community, harmony, freedom, and connection.

To set up a field experience, text me at (760) 709-2343

Future Offerings:

I am in training to be a certified Equus Coach. You can learn more at The Center for Equus Coaching.

If you are interested in staying up to date with all things Equus, sign up for delight!


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